1. Make it easy!
Make it as easy as possible to everyday do some type of exercise.
2. Mix it up!
Mix various types of exercises and activities.
3. Fit Buddy!
Find a friend to exercise with and if possible hire a coach.
4. Fit Study!
Take some personal responsibility in your exercise journey and start collecting and reading as much as can about the specific exercises and activities that interest you the most. Make sure you keep checking out my web site and my radio shows!
5. Make Gym Trip after going to the bank!
Plan your away from home activities to include a trip to the gym.
6. Have Goal Triggers!
Keep things around you that help to trigger why you are exercising.
7. Create Home Exercises!
Be aware of several exercise options that you could have in your home. Lift that baby Moms! Curl the iron, seriously get the iron and curl it!
Hey, put several can goods in two plastic bags that you can slide onto each end of a broom stick and start working the arms.
What do you have in the garage that you can lift? I love working out with sandbags, tires, logs, sledge hammers, chains and pushing my car. What can you come up with?
8. Write it down!
Keep a journal and detail the things you like the least and most about exercise and certain activities to help create a plan that will keep you coming back for more.
9. Create a Stress Plan!
Have a plan of activities that you can do when you feel stressed. Ladies, when the time of the month comes around what will you do? Reach for the chocolate or a pair of punching gloves?
10. Get your grove on!
The internet has made it increasingly easier to find the music you like. Music will help get you motivated to exercise or just raise the intensity.