The Zercher Carry, a distinctive event in strongman competitions, involves lifting a loaded barbell or object cradled in the crooks of the elbows (“Zercher position”) and carrying it for a specific distance or duration. This challenge not only tests upper body and core strength but also demands stability and mental toughness from participants. Athletes demonstrate their ability to endure and move efficiently while carrying the weight in this unconventional yet physically demanding event within the realm of strongman competitions.
Zercher Carry: (MAX DISTANCE)
- One attempt for max distance.
- No time limit. Once the implements are dropped the attempt is finished.
- The course may be straight or have turns.
- Yoke Implement: May come in various designs but the typical yoke is most commonly used. Bar should be between 3 to 5 inches in diameter and smooth.
- Height of the bar is adjustable and each competitors heights are recorded before the event.
- The implements start with the front of the implement or the front plate on the starting line. Measurements are taken from the back of the implement or from the back plate of the implement that is farthest back.
- No excessive sliding will be permitted. Distance will be measured from point of contact, not where implements slide to.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps,
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting straps or hooks.
Zercher Carry: 100 FT STRAIGHT COURSE
- One attempt.
- 100’ straight course.
- There may be a 60 second time limit.
- You may set the implements down once throughout the course. On the second set down distance will be measured.
- Yoke Implement: May come in various designs but the typical yoke is most commonly used. Bar should be between 3 to 5 inches in diameter and smooth.
- Height of the bar is adjustable and each competitors heights are recorded before the event.
- The implements start with the front of the implement or the front plate on the starting line. Measurements are taken from the back of the farthest back implement or from the back plate of the implement that is farthest back.
- Time will stop when the whole implement or back plate of the farthest back implement crosses the finish.
- No excessive sliding will be permitted. Distance will be measured from point of contact, not where implements slide to.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps,
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting straps or hooks.