From cost to cost, there are many powerlifting organizations to choose from. As you advance you will also need to know more about what is available to you internationally.
International Powerlifting Federations
- 365 Strong World Powerlifting Federation (365-SWPF)
- Global Powerlifting Alliance (GPA)
- Global Powerlifting Committee (GPC)
- Global Powerlifting Federation (GPF)- Official Magazine HARD GAMES
- International Powerlifting Federation (IPF)
- International Raw Powerlifting (IRP)
- World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (WDFPF)
- World Powerlifting Association (WPA)
- World Powerlifting Congress (WPC)
- World Powerlifting Federation (WPF)
- World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF)
- World Raw Powerlifting Federation Americas (WRPFA)
- World United Amateur Powerlifting (WUAP)
United States Powerlifting Federations
- 365 Strong Powerlifting Federation (365 SPF)
- 100% Raw Powerlifting (RAW)
- Amateur Athletic Union Powerlifting (AAU)
- American Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (ADFPF)
- American Frantz Powerlifting Federation (AFPF/AAFPF)
- American Powerlifting Association (APA)
- American Powerlifting Committee (APC)
- American Powerlifting Federation (APF/AAPF)
- Anti-Drug Athletes United (ADAU)
- Appalachian Powerlifting (APL)
- Albany Strength Powerlifting Federation (ASPF)
- Eagle Strength Association (ESA)
- Eastern States Powerlifting Federation (ESPF)
- Elite Powerlifting Federation (EPF)
- Gym Warriors (GW)
- Hardcore Powerlifting
- Independent Bodybuilding Powerlifting Association (IBPA)
- Inland Empire Lifting League (IELL)
- International Powerlifting Association (IPA)
- International Strength Association (ISA)
- Iron Boy Powerlifting (IBP)
- Metal Militia Powerlifting (MMP)
- Metroflex Strength Association (MSA)
- Midwest Powerlifting Federation (MWPLF)
- Minnesota Powerlifting Federation (MPF)
- Natural Athlete Strength Association (NASA)
- NorCal Powerlifting (NorCal)
- Northern Virginia Raw Powerlifting (NOVA)
- Old School Powerlifting(OSP)
- Pure Athletic Power (PAP)
- Pride Powerlifting (PRIDE)
- Professional Raw Powerlifting Association (PRPA)
- Pennsylvania Powerlifting Association (PPA
- Python Power League (PPL)
- RAW United (RAWU)
- Raw Iron Powerlifting (RIPL)
- Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS)
- Son Light Power (SLP)
- Southern Powerlifting Federation (SPF)
- Syndicated Strength Alliance (SSA)
- Texas Powerlifting Federation (TPF)
- United Powerlifting Association (UPA)
- United States Powerlifting Association (USPA)
- United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF)
- USA Bench Press Association (USABPA)
- USA Powerlifting (USAPL)
- World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters (WABDL)
- World Class Powerlifting Federation (WCPF)
- World Natural Powerlifting Federation (WNPF)
- World Natural Powerlifting Federation Lifetime (WNPFLT)
- World Raw Powerlifting Federation Americas (WRPFA)
- Xtreme Powerlifting Coalition (XPC)
U.S. High School Powerlifting Federations
- Louisiana High School Powerlifting Association (LHSPLA)
- Michigan High School Powerlifting Association (MHSPA)
- Mississippi High School Athletic Association (MHSSA)
- Texas High School Powerlifting Association (THSPA) / Texas High School Women’s Powerlifting Association (THSPA)
- Wisconsin High School Powerlifting Association (WHSPA)
Canada Powerlifting Federations
- 100% RAW Canada
- Canadian Drug-Free Powerlifting Association (CDFPA)
- Canadian Powerlifting Association (CPA)
- Canadian Powerlifting Federation (CPF)
- Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU)
- Independent Powerlifting Association (IPA)
- World Raw Powerlifting Federation Americas (WRPFA)
Regional Powerlifting Federations
- African Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- Asia Powerlifting Federation (APF) IPF Affiliated
- Asia GPF Powerlifting Federation GPF Affiliated
- Asian Raw Powerlifting Federation 100% RAW Affiliated
- European Powerlifting Federation (EPF) IPF Affiliated
- Oceania Powerlifting Federation (OPF) IPF Affiliated
- Oceania Powerlifting Organization (OPO) WPC Affiliated
- North American Powerlifting Federation (NAPF) IPF Affiliated
- South American Powerlifting Federation (FE.SU.PO) IPF Affiliated
- World Raw Powerlifting Federation Americas (WRPFA)
- United Powerlifter WUAP Affiliated
Argentina Powerlifting Federations
- Federacion Argentina de Levantamientos de Potencia IPF Affiliated
- Alianza Argentina de Powerlifting GPA/WPC Affiliated
Australia Powerlifting Federations
- CAPO Powerlifting WPC & GPC Affiliated
- Powerlifting Australia IPF Affiliated
- Victoria Drug-Free Powerlifting Association WDFPF Affiliated
Austria Powerlifting Federations
- Austria World Powerlifting Congress GPC Affiliated
- Austrian Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- UAP Austria WUAP Affiliated
- WPC Austria WPC Affiliated
- Austrian Powerlifting Congress WPF Affiliated
Azerbaijan Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Azerbaijan WPC Affiliated
Barbados Powerlifting Federations
- Barbados Powerlifting & Strength Association IPF Affiliated
Belarus Powerlifting Federations
- Belarus Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- Belarus GPF Powerlifting Federation GPF Affiliated
Belgium Powerlifting Federations
- Belgium Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation WDFPF Affiliated
- GPC Belgium GPC Affiliated
- Royal Belgian Weightlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
Brazil Powerlifting Federations
- ALIANÇA NACIONAL DA FORÇA (National Strength Alliance) GPC/SSA Affiliated
- Brazilian Powerlifting Confederation IPF Affiliated
- GPC Brazil GPC Affiliated
- WPC Brazil WPC Affiliated
- World Raw Powerlifting Federation Americas (WRPFA)
Bulgaria Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Bulgaria WPC Affiliated
Cameroon Powerlifting Federations
- Strongman and Plural Sports Academy (SAPSA)
Columbia Powerlifting Federations
- Colombian Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
Costa Rica Powerlifting Federations
- Asociación Deportiva de Levantamiento de Potencia (ADELEPO) IPF Affiliated
Czech Republic Powerlifting Federations
- Czech Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- GPC Czech Republic GPC Affiliated
- WPC Czech Republic WPC Affiliated
Denmark Powerlifting Federations
- Danish Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
England Powerlifting Federations
- British Drug-Free Powerlifting Association (BDFPA)
- British Powerlifting Congress (BPC)
- British Powerlifting Organization (BPO)
- GPC Great Britain (GPCGB)
- Great Britain Powerlifting Federation (GBPF)
- British Powerlifting Federation
Estonia Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Estonia WPC Affiliated
Finland Powerlifting Federations
- Finland Powerlifting Organization GPC Affiliated
- Finnish Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- WPC Finland WPC Affiliated
- Raw Power Association
France Powerlifting Federations
- Commission Sportive Nationale de Force Athletique IPF Affiliated
- GPC France GPC Affiliated
- L’Association Francaise de Force Fitness & Body-Building WPC Affiliated
Germany Powerlifting Federations
- German Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (GDFPF) WDFPF Affiliated
- German Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- German Raw Association (GRAWA)
- World Powerlifting Congress Germany GPC Affiliated
- WPC Germany WPC Affiliated
Great Britain Powerlifting Federations
- British Drug-Free Powerlifting Association (BDFPA)
- British Powerlifting Congress (BPC)
- British Powerlifting Organization (BPO)
- GPC Great Britain (GPCGB)
- Great Britain Powerlifting Federation (GBPF)
Guatemala Powerlifting Federations
- Federación Nacional de Levantamiento de Potencia de Guatemala IPF Affiliated
Hong Kong Powerlifting Federations
- Hong Kong Weightlifting and Powerlifting Association IPF Affiliated
Hungary Powerlifting Federations
- Hungarian Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- Hungarian Professional Powerlifting League GPC Affiliated
- WPC Hungary WPC Affiliated
Iceland Powerlifting Federations
- Icelandic Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- Ãslenska Kraftlyftingafélagsins Metal (IKF) WPF Affiliated
India Powerlifting Federations
- India 100% RAW 100% RAW Affiliated
Iran Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Iran WPC Affiliated
- WPF Iran WPF Affiliated
Ireland Powerlifting Federations
- Irish Drug-Free Powerlifting Association (IDFPA) WDFPF Affiliated
- Irish Powerlifting Federation (IPF) IPF Affiliated
- Irish Global Powerlifting Committee GPC Affiliated
- Irish Powerlifting Organization (IPO) WPF Affiliated
- WPC Ireland WPC Affiliated
Israel Powerlifting Federations
- GPC Israel GPC Affiliated
- WPC Israel WPC Affiliated
Italy Powerlifting Federations
- Federazione Italiana Powerlifting IPF Affiliated
- WPC Italy WPC Affiliated
Japan Powerlifting Federations
- Japan Powerlifting Association (JPA) IPF Affiliated
Korea Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Korea WPC Affiliated
Kyrgyzstan Powerlifting Federations
- Kyrgyzstan Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- WPC Kyrgyzstan WPC Affiliated
Latvia Powerlifting Federations
- Speka Pasaule GPC Affiliated
- WPC Latvia WPC Affiliated
Lithuania Powerlifting Federations
- Lithuanian Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
Luxembourg Powerlifting Federations
- Fédération Luxemburgeoise d’Haltérophile, de Lutte et de Powerlifting IPF Affiliated
- Powerlifting Luxembourg WPF Affiliated
Malta Powerlifting Federations
- Malta Drug-Free Powerlifting Association (MDFPA) WDFPF Affiliated
Morocco Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Morocco WPC Affiliated
Namibia Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Namibia WPC Affiliated
Netherlands & Holland Powerlifting Federations
- Dutch Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- WPC Holland WPC Affiliated
New Zealand Powerlifting Federations
- New Zealand Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
Norway Powerlifting Federations
- Norwegian Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
Pakistan Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Pakistan WPC Affiliated
Panama Powerlifting Federations
- Asociacion Panamena de Powerlifting y Acondicionamiento Fisico (APPLAF) IPF Affiliated
Philipines Powerlifting Federations
- Powerlifting Association of the Philippines (PAP) IPF Affiliated
Poland Powerlifting Federations
- GPC Poland GPC Affiliated
- Polski Zwiazek Kulturystyki I Trijboju Silowego IPF Affiliated
- Professional Powerlifting Poland WPC/AWPC, WUAP Affiliated
- WPC Poland WPC Affiliated
Puerto Rico Powerlifting Federations
- Puerto Rico Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- WPC Puerto Rico WPC Affiliated
Russia Powerlifting Federations
- Bogatyrskoe Bratstvo (BB) GPA Affiliated
- Moscow Region Powerlifting Federation (FPMR)
- Russian Powerlifting Federation (RPF) IPF Affiliated
- Russia Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation WDFPF Affiliated
- WPA Russia WPA Affiliated
- WPC Russia WPC/GPC Affiliated
Scotland Powerlifting Federations
- Scottish Powerlifting Association IPF Affiliated
Slovakia Powerlifting Federations
- AWPC Slovakia WUAP Affiliated
- Slovak Bodybuilding, Fitness and Powerlifting Association IPF Affiliated
- Slovak Powerlifting & Bench Press Federation GPC Affiliated
- WPC Slovakia WPC Affiliated
South Africa Powerlifting Federations
- South African Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- WPC South Africa WPC Affiliated
- WPC South Africa WPC Affiliated
Sri Lanka Powerlifting Federations
- WPC Sri Lanka WPC Affiliated
Sweden Powerlifting Federations
- Swedish Powerlifting Federation IPF Affiliated
- WPC Sweden WPC Affiliated
Switzerland Powerlifting Federations
- Swiss Powerlifting Committee GPC/WPC/WUAP Affiliated
- Swiss Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation WDFPF Affiliated
- Swiss Powerlifting Congress (SPC) IPF Affiliated
Turkmenistan Powerlifting Federations
- Athletic Union of Turkmenistan IPF Affiliated
Ukraine Powerlifting Federations
- Global Power Union GPC Affiliated
- Ukraine Powerlifting Committee WPC/WPF Affiliated
- Ukraine Powerlifting Federation (UPF) IPF Affiliated
- Ukrainian Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (UDFPF) WDFPF Affiliated
- Ukraine Powerlifting Organization (UPO) IPA Affiliated
- WPA-Ukraine (WPAU) WPA/APA Affiliated
Wales Powerlifting Federations
- Welsh Powerlifting WPF/BDFPA/BPC/BWLA/WSA Affiliated