The Husafell Stone event, a renowned and iconic challenge in strongman competitions, involves contestants lifting and carrying a uniquely shaped and heavy stone over a specific distance. Originating from Iceland, this stone, named after the Husafell region, demands exceptional strength, grip, and endurance from competitors. Athletes embrace the irregular shape of the stone, hoist it onto their chest or shoulders, and strive to cover the distance, showcasing their raw strength and determination. The Husafell Stone event not only serves as a test of physical prowess but also pays homage to strongman tradition, adding a distinctive and historical element to the competition.
Husafell Stone Carry: (MAX DISTANCE)
- One attempt for max distance.
- No time limit. Once the implements are dropped the attempt is finished.
- The course may be straight or have turns.
- Husafell Stone Implement: May come in various sizes and materials. There are companies that have built a loadable “Husafeel Stone like” implement.
- The implements start on the ground or a raised platform. The athlete may be allowed to grip the implement before the start command is given. The implement must remain in contact with the resting surface and behind the starting line until the start command is given.
- No throwing, rolling or sliding will be permitted. Distance will be measured from point of contact, not where the implement ends up.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps,
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting straps or hooks.
Husafell Stone Carry: 100 FT STRAIGHT COURSE
- One attempt.
- 100’ straight course.
- There may be a 60 second time limit.
- You typically will not be allowed to set the implements down once you begin. Once the implement is set down of falls the distance will be measured.
- Husafell Stone Implement: May come in various sizes and materials. There are companies that have built a loadable “Husafeel Stone like” implement.
- The implements start on the ground or a raised platform. The athlete may be allowed to grip the implement before the start command is given. The implement must remain in contact with the resting surface and behind the starting line until the start command is given.
- No throwing, rolling or sliding will be permitted. Distance will be measured from point of contact, not where the implement ends up.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps,
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting straps or hooks.