1. Any genuine IronMind Captains of Crush® gripper may be used; there are 11 choices
from the Guide to the #4.
2. For a Ironmind World Record attempt, the gripper must be new, in an unbroken package
and opened on the spot.
3. Ordinary chalk (magnesium carbonate) may be used on the gripping hand, but nothing
else is permitted (tacky, for example, is specifically disallowed).
4. A genuine IronMind CoC Silver Bullet must be used, with 2.5 kg of weight hanging from
the silver bullet strap and this weight may take the form of either an IWF or IPF
certified/recognized (calibrated) plate or some other weight that has been demonstrated to
be no less than 2.50 kg on a certified or otherwise demonstrably accurate scale.
5. The CoC Silver Bullet is inserted by the competitor no deeper than up to the top edge of
the clear band, so that the script Captains of Crush® is legible, and so that all four fingers
are in contact with the CoC gripper handle (dropping the pinky completely off the end of the
gripper handle is expressly prohibited). The CoC Silver Bullet must be aligned with the
handles of the gripper, which cannot overlap with the CoC Silver Bullet in what we call a
three-point position.
6. The Silver Bullet Challenge shall be conducted in three (3) rounds format. The athlete
has 30 seconds from the time their name is called to record a valid time in each round. The
athlete cannot change gripper within a round, i.e. if he/she attempts a #3 in a round, he/she
cannot switch to a #2.5 in the same round; but can of course, attempt the #2.5 or any other
gripper in the next round. Best recorded time on THE HIGHEST NUMBER gripper will be
final result. An athlete satisfied with their first or second attempt can pass on further
7. Using one or two hands, the competitor closes the CoC (whatever level the athlete
chooses) in his/her own time so that the two handles hold the CoC Silver Bullet in
place and once this position has been achieved, and only one hand is holding the
gripper shut, the referee gives the signal to start the clock. If the competitor fails to get
a secure hold on the CoC Silver Bullet, he is allowed to reset it.
8. The hand must be held with the gripper approximately vertical.
9. Time stops when the Silver Bullet drops from the handles or when the referee
observes any opening of the gripper handle for any reason whatsoever.
10. Independent of the timekeeper, a referee (whose sole responsibility is to assure
the rules regarding placement, hand position, etc. are being followed) must officiate