(also know as Iron Cross, Magnusson or Barry Carry)
- 60 sec time limit.
- Total distance is 50’ (turns at the 25’ mark, around a cone).
- Start with Crucifix Carry in the standing position. Hands on the cross arms.
- On the command go you will lift it with your arms under the cross member. Must be carried in front of your body. At no point in time during the event can any part of the Crucifix be supported or carried over the shoulder.
- Crucifix Carry must remain in the up position at the end of your event. Time ends when both hands are overhead.
- If you do not finish the 50’, distance will be measured.
- If you cross the finish line and lift your hands overhead and the Crucifix Carry falls over a 10 sec penalty will be added.
- Wrist / Knee wraps, belts, chalk and USS approved grip shirts are allowed.