The “Cheat Curl” is a competition lift in the USAWA (United States All-Round Weightlifting Association). It is a competitive weightlifting exercise with its own set of rules. Here’s a summary of the rules for the Cheat Curl according to the USAWA:
- Starting Position: The lifter begins with the bar on the platform. The lifter can choose to grip the bar with their palms facing up or away from them. Feet placement and hand spacing are optional but must remain consistent throughout the lift.
- Foot Placement: The lifter’s heels and toes must not rise during the lift.
- Initiating the Lift: The lifter must stand upright in a standing position with arms and legs fully extended, holding the bar on the thighs at arm’s length.
- Curl Command: An official will give a command to start the curl. The lifter must maintain locked knees and straight legs during the lift.
- Technique: The lifter is allowed to use various techniques such as bending at the waist, swaying the body, or dropping the shoulders to gain momentum for the bar. The bar may be lowered slightly before the curl begins.
- Execution: The lifter must curl the bar from arms’ length to touch the upper chest or neck in one continuous motion. Any downward movement of the bar during the curl will result in disqualification.
- Finish and Lowering: Once the lifter has successfully curled the bar to the specified height and the bar is motionless, an official will give a command to lower the bar. The lift is completed when the lifter lowers the bar back to the platform under control.
It’s important for participants in USAWA competitions to familiarize themselves with these rules and practice proper technique to ensure a successful lift while adhering to the guidelines provided by the organization.
Vleck, T.V. (2011). “Can You Cheat on the Cheat Curl?”
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