Developing an effective training program is the foundation of any successful powerlifting journey. This category provides insights into various program design methodologies, offering expert advice on how to structure your workouts to maximize strength, power, and progression in powerlifting.
Fundamentals of Powerlifting
Basic Principles and Terminology for Powerlifting
This section covers essential concepts such as progressive overload, specificity, and recovery, as well as common terms like max effort, dynamic effort, and RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion). [Read more…]
Powerlifting Rules and Regulations
Understanding the rules and regulations of powerlifting is essential for successful competition and adherence to the sport’s standards. [Read more…]
Program Design Elements for Powerlifting
Managing Volume, Intensity, and Frequency for Powerlifting
Learn practical guidelines for balancing volume, intensity, and frequency to optimize progress, prevent overtraining, and achieve peak performance. [Read more…]
Understanding Exercise Selection and Variations for Powerlifting
Choose the right exercises and incorporate variations that can help target specific muscle groups, address weaknesses, and enhance overall performance in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. [Read more…]
Training Phases and Periodization for Powerlifting
Off-Season Training for Powerlifting
Gain insights into general physical preparedness, increasing muscle mass, improving technique, and recovering from the stresses of previous competitions. [Read more…]
Pre-Competition Phases for Powerlifting
Learn how to shift from general physical preparation to more specific training tailored to the demands of Powerlifting Competition and maximize your strength and readiness for competition day. [Read more…]
Peaking and Tapering Strategies for Powerlifting
Whether you’re preparing for your first meet or aiming to set a new personal record, mastering peaking and tapering can make a significant difference in your performance. [Read more…]
Deload Weeks and Recovery Phases for Powerlifting
Learn the best ways to mitigate fatigue, promote recovery, and reduce the risk of injury. [Read more…]
Strength Development Techniques for Powerlifting
Linear Progression for Powerlifting
Linear Progrogression is an excellent way for the new lifter to begin their strength training and journey into Powerlifting. [Read more…]
Non-linear Progression for Powerlifting
Non-linear progression for Powerlifting is best suited for the more experienced lifters with 1-2 years of training. [Read more…]
Block Periodization for Powerlifting
Programming with Block Periodization works very well for Powerlifting because you’re mostly focused on hypertrophy, strength, or peaking. [Read more…]
Undulating Periodization for Powerlifting
Learn more on how to manipulate volume and intensity up and down on a weekly or daily basis. [Read more…]
Accessory and Supplemental Work for Powerlifting
Primary Lift Variations and the Addition of Auxiliary Movements
Gain a real understanding into what will make the biggest difference in improving your primary lifts. [Read more…]
What You Need to Know About Accessory Exercises for Powerlifting
Strengthen the smaller supporting muscles that assist your primary movements while getting stronger overall. [Read more…]
Core and Stability Training for Powerlifting
Learn the drills to include in your programming for both hip and core strength. [Read more…]
Programming Mobility and Flexibility for the Big Three
Improving movement quality will increase athletic performance in the gym and on the platform while reducing the risk of injuries. [Read more…]
Recovery and Injury Prevention for the Powerlifter
Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down Techniques for the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
A successful training session starts well before you ever touch your barbell. Make protecting the soft tissue your priority. [Read more…]
Managing, Pivoting, and Preventing Training Injuries
Of course, the goal is always to prevent injury. Gain insight on how to stay active while injured and the best practices for prevention. [Read more…]
Active Recovery Methods Beyond Rest and Inactivity
Active recovery is the low-intensity exercise you perform after higher-intensity exercise to improve your recovery and performance. [Read more…]